As a startup, there are many important things you have to think about than money and developing a good idea to start a business, and there is no great person to ask for advice on how to launch an effective business than successful entrepreneurs.

Many publishers in the business domain see that starting a new business does not require to have money only, or even a good idea, but startups and new entrepreneurs should take into consideration are many other things that you should pay attention to before considering yourself a businessman or an entrepreneur.

Here are the top 8 tips you should focus on about how to start a business, according to views of many successful entrepreneurs around the world.

1. Figure out how your business will be funded

To start a business, you need to find out financing sources for your business to help you get the legal documents and the other issues for your business. These sources could be requesting the licenses and equipment, creating a website and an app, providing the legal fees for your workspace and your employees…etc. for these reasons, you can request from outside investors, ask your relatives, share you idea with other businessmen and entrepreneurs or even Crowdfunding to help you build your idea.

Moreover, you can also self-finance your business, and this is great to protect your idea. By this, you won’t give your business’s ownership to others easily. Successful entrepreneurs share the idea that self-financing is the best option for new startups, especially those who come up with special new ideas. Self-financing will give your business the time needed to be successful and popular, and when you can prove to investors that your business is well-built and will clearly trend toward higher levels, then you can look for investors.

2. Have a good team

Having a great team is most important. Your team should include members who’re smarter than you and able to help you increase your business and transform the company into higher levels.

When you choose you team members, it’s better to collect data about them to contribute in making effective decisions and help you flexibly organize your business. Also, data about different backgrounds and perspectives from them and the potential customers/clients should be collected. It will help you look at problems from a new dimension.

3. Find the industry you want to work in

When you hired great team members, provide sessions with them find new ideas for improving you business. Figuring the domain your business is in is the start point. Make meetings where you can brainstorm new ideas about creating multiple sources of income like providing new offers and promoting them with other well-known brands.

Moreover, you can work on new ways liking building a blog where you can share information about your area of ​​expertise, and you can also deal with other accompanies to help each other in showing case your experiences through workshops, or create online courses.

4. Take your time before hiring an accountant

As many startups do, when they decide to build their business, they immediately hire a virtual accountant for low costs. The problem here is that they don’t take more time see the background of the hired virtual employee, which dealing with him/her can ended up with corrupting their tax forms, forcing them to pay extra cash.

To avoid all these problems, as a new business owners, you should take all their time to look for a local accountant with appropriate knowledge of creating the needed forms and regulations related to the business’s financial situation, and even help you recover the money you might pay for low results, so, whatever your company is local or online, you should have all the information about building a company and the forms and regulations related to your situation.

5. Develop a clear, flexible marketing strategy

Startups and business owners should develop a clear marketing strategy for ther business. Since marketing is the core of every business, stopping it will make your business lose its presence. As a business developer, you have to spend hours a day thinking of the right plan to promote your offers. Remember that the first time you stop marketing, you will lose many clients and customers. For this reason, you must spend more time offering new deals to attract their attention. Building relationships with your target audience can take weeks or even months before customers/clients start purchasing the products/services.

6. Take notes and ask for feedbacks

It would be intelligent for business owners to take notes from their teams and ask for feedbacks and productive criticism from their customers/clients. For example, you can ask your customers, or relatives to test your product or service, and give you feedbacks about it. this could be the best way to improve your offers before it hits the market.

Furthermore, ensure that your business, locally and/or online, provides all the needed info to communicate with all your customers, and this may be easy to encourag them to send a message and comments through social media platforms, complete the contact form on your website, or even call your support team to ask for what they’re looking for. In either case, you will discover what the customers’ preferences and the consequences of what you offer.

7. Never give up

As you know, many successful entrepreneurs had faced many obstacles to get out during the first days of founding their companies. But their unwillingness to give up had pushed them to be at the top in the business world. They had really known that giving up means “death”, and their money in in their projects. They had no choice but to continue pursuing. The situations they had in almost turned into battles. So, you need to be like them and fight back to make sure you succeed.

8. Start working on your project immediately

It’s possible to shift to work on your ideas during the day. Instead of spending an entire year working on the situation or developing ideas that already started, you can focus on your own project and start realizing it. do your search, test and seek for help from the people around you.

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