Life can make things impossible to reach sometimes. You maybe feel like every bad thing could happen to you and giving up is the best solution to escape your situation. Maybe The business you started turned out to be something entirely different from what you hopping to have. Or you quit your business because of the type of product/service you offer isn’t good to sell.

Before you give up on your business, do deep research, and find out what customers want and need. This will give a clear idea if your offering product/service is something that people can pay for it, and if your solution is much better for them.

Also you need to know If there is no market demand for your product or service, or your business will fail. To know that, make a study on your competitors. This can help you choose if you quit your business, or you fight until you can offer something truly superior to what your competitors do.

After figuring out your niche and finding what type of products you want to offer, the following are 10 specific principles to help you know ifyour product/service is the best for your business. A winnig product/service is the one that:

  1. Does great things and meets customers’ needs and wants, so it will resonate with them.
  1. Provides a real promise that potential customers agree with. A promise is the reason to decide if your product/service will sell or not.
  1. Offers a solution to a problem. Choosing a problem-solver product required deep search and provides real examples of its use to prove it does.
  1. Delivers a passion that your target audience should be passionate about it. For example, girls can be very passionate about beauty products. That’s the passion your product needs.
  1. Targets new industries with different trends in the targeted market. Choosing more than one interested categories will often help sellers find a winning product.
  1. Use different channels where the targeted customers can easily find you. Advertising your products/services through social media and native ads are easy ways to find your targeted prospects and let them find you as well.
  1. Conveys its major benefits easily in a way that you target audience understand it quickly. Try to use simple packaging, promotion and content so that it can be understood.
  1. Avoid competing with high companies who offer high Profitable products that dominates the market. They have global product lines with high logistics values. They aren’t good for a starter who’s trying to get up.

Last but not least, No matter what you are doing or what is your business’s type, just know that you can get through the obtacles you face. So, the main reason you need to consider before giving up your business is figuring out the product/service you offer and try to improve it.

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