Along with its heavy impacts on public health, COVID-19 has forced the economic world to get a huge global shockwave. When we think about the results COVID-19 came with in the business area, it’s clear for everyone that the coronavirus spread and the pandemic that comes after has powerfully affected the most widely held businesses and limited its scaling plans from both sides: the demand side and the stream side.

Many businesses, especially those that work in the tourism industry, faced endless problems to keep going during this time. For example, Business owners who work in the hospitality section are the most that affected by the spread of coronavirus since COVID-19 decreased the hospital activities and all the hotels, guest houses and more are stopped to receive visitors because of the pandemic.

Now, everyone started to adapt to the situation and hiking along with the effects of corona on the public health. This is the real-time for people and world organizations to rethink of new ways to beat this crisis and get out of the pandemic safely.

Business owners should change their previous strategies with other ones that work best for their health and their business. Instead of thinking about negative thoughts and blaming the situation, the following are the best tips and tricks that every business must know. The mentioned tips are some positive ideas that have the ability to match with this heart-rending condition.

1. You have to think about your customers first

The best think to make your business keep alive is through making your customers know that you are available 24/7 for them. They must ensure your business is open and is still working without any problem. The best means to do so is through using all social media platforms and email tools by sharing posts about your business and sending friendly emails. These will give them an impression you’re always available.

2. Your business is respecting the global health procedures:

You have to provide them with news and updates about COVID-19 and how you respect the health protection measures to keep them and your employees safe. Just be assure and let them know that your business is safe and you’re carefully following the COVID-19 safety protocol.

3. Show more info about your products and services

In this stage, you should provide info about how you sterilize your products and offer assistance and support services for them are the best options. Give your customers and clients free means to contact you if they’ve certain questions. This will solve all the misunderstanding concerning your activities. Simply create more attractive posts and promote them through online meda platforms to reach your customers/clients.

4. Provide promotions for your customers

Helping your customers during this time is the best choice to keep them around you. Try to aid them by offering discounts on your products. This will help their financial condition that COVID 19 pandemic causes. Do research on your business and start offering discounts as long as your situation.

Other steps to help you level up with your busiess are:

  • Make your marketing strategy active and up to date, that is the core of this time;
  • If you don’t have an online presence, this time is the best to create a website for your business and create Social Media Pages on the online platforms your customers prefer to use like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn…etc.;
  • Create engaging content and share it on a blog and social media, about the latest info of your products/services and offers. Track them continuously and adapt them with appropriate hashtags and info;
  • Use sponsor tools to promote your business either by yourself or you can hire a professional advertiser the help with it. After creating campaigns, update them frequently and scale the best one that get great results and kill those that doesn’t effectively work;
  • Provide a 24/7 customer support to interact with your audience frequently.

After following those steps, be sure that your business will easily succeed. If you do these digital marketing steps by yourself, simply hire professionals who can help you to solve those problems the coronavirus comes with by spending less budget than traditional marketing.

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