As a manager, you might choose working remotely as a way to make troublesome teammates less, but it can’t 100% work in this manner of thinking.

You can have some annoying coworkers who’re hard to manage. When you start working with them under the same workspace, just seeing them would set you angry.

For this reason, you’d prefer to work remotely to make it easier for you to deal with annoying coworkers. You might think that by this way, they can’t make you nervous when you’re working from home.

We can say that this problem is global, many entrepreneurs and managers find it difficult to make some of their colleagues under control. They always complain more about the coworkers that bug them.

This happens for several reasons that pushes managers to be more upset by the trivial inconveniences of some coworkers.

The first reason, the endless stress bore that many managers and entrepreneurs are having during the day has made it harder for them to treat lightly the tiny things.

The second one, you don’t see your coworkers that frequently, and this could lead you to have negative thoughts about them which can impact on your works’ perception than your actual relations with them.

And last but not least, many things out there that are creating stress and anxiety like the spread of Coronavirus, the pandemic, the running election, ups and downs of the economy and ore other things are just ones of many that we can’t deal with.

So, those reasons make it easier to focus your attention on small things and put all your angst on them.

The question is: How can I deal with annoying coworkers? Here are 3 things you can take into consideration to manage your relationship with annoying coworkers more successfully:


In general, and mostly during the pandemic times, people are more stressful and are dealing with many issues that have nothing to do with work. Coworkers are more focusing on caring for their families, solving their personal problems, illness, and managing their financial troubles for those who have lost their jobs. Moreover, working from home is something new for those who’re spent years working locally, which is taking its emotional toll on many coworkers.

Before you deal with their behaviors, it’s better to ask the coworkers about their conditions. Just call them and talk to them. This way may help you discover that your coworkers are facing some challenges that are difficult to handle.

This can change the way you think about them. And even if they’re fine, interacting with them and showing you’re caring for them may make them be less annoying.


Maybe coworkers seem more annoying because they thought that you don’t understand them. So, the best solution to identify people’s actions is through asking them. You don’t need to ask aggressive questions, ask them simple ones can work fine.

Now and then, you may understand that the behaviors that the annoying coworkers actually make have noteworthy value for their work. That can push you fully change your own views of their behavior and might even make you see it less annoying.

And sometimes, you might find out a valuable way to help them achieve their goals. In that case, instead of completely eliminate the source of frustration, you can benefit from it and make it have positive impact on your coworker’s productivity.


Other frustration sources can be the cause of your angst on them. They might do something that can badly impact your own productivity. They might cross tasks’ deadlines, send work with errors, or make reports with missing key elements.

These problems could make you lose your control, and you might find it difficult to handle these problems and to fix them by yourself.

To make sure that the work you need is completely done on time and does not need to be checked many times for ensuring its correctness, it’s better to send specific information to your coworkers about what you exactly need to be done.

If a coworker still receives contributions to your projects, s/he can ask her/his mate if s/he accept to do her/his job as well as your own.

As an alternative, if there’s something still need some improvement, simply ask for it. you have to specify the important tasks’ and make them clear for your coworkers. If a work is poorly done, ask the responsible to give some suggestions on how to improve it.

But it’s better to let him/her fix it. Don’t expect anyone of those who work with you to help you achieve your goals. If you want that, ask them for what you specifically need/want.

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