Having a product and an online store without customers looking to buy is imperfect. There are several ways to get more customers, but the most effective option is advertising.
This allows you to generate more sales and get high revenues from the start. Start advertising on social media platforms like Facebook allows you to target a high number of audiences. This makes you place your products with the largest brands and stores immediately.

Other 4 “must-have” strategies you need to focus on while looking for ways to attract more traffic are:

  • Blogs and Forums: Finding blogs or forums that are related to your product/niche and actively participating in discussions. Providing your products information with your store’s links can increase traffic and acquire new customers
  • Content: Creating valuable content and video marketing on well-known platforms like Medium and Youtube can convert readers and viewers into customers. You should always focus on serving your audience than your store.
  • Social Media: Creating and sharing interesting content on social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter…etc can generate more organic traffic and build a following, which can be converted into customers.
  • Email addresses: You need a way of building email address lists, such as using landing pages to request to sign-up, or create an offer or newsletter that requires an email address. Once you have a list of email addresses, you can reach many people regularly, for free.

Understand your target audience is great to know exactly what type your business needs to more effectively reach them. Generating more metrics on customers’ options through platforms like Facebook insights and Pixel, Goole Analytics and adwords, provides each step a prospect takes throughout your store, like time they spent, what pages they visit and why they leave with no purchase. Use this information to cater target audience journey so that you can create a win-win process.

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